The eMog Pub Era (2001-2011)
The most striking creation of the Morgan Internet Community's early years was the eMog Pub, first of the moderated Morgan forums. It began in the days when a mere 200-300 moggers were regular browsers and it grew with the Web to effectively span the gulf between the old and new Morgan generations..and even to spawn and encourage copiers in format or style.
There were two other anglo-forums before eMog, both unmoderated. The first was the venerable (1995 to date) in the USA and the second was the MSCCdg (2000-2001) in the UK. The name eMog was suggested on the UK forum by Australian mogger, Roger Shawyer, just before its demise. In the void left by the MSCCdg collapse, Lorne Goldman, the GoMoG Webmaster, was approached by his friend Ed Hermen, an American enthusiast who had been prominent on both the earlier forums, US and UK. Ed wondered whether a private forum could be set up for a few mates. After some thinking, Lorne opted for a new format..a virtual Pub, where Morgan friends could "stop by" and chat with their mates. The format would de-emphasize the gurism of other forums of the day, and encourage freindships along with fixes. The eMog Pub opened for "business", without advertsing or announcement, with two customers (Ed and Roger) and one bartender, Lorne, on January 27, 2001. It spread by word of mouth only in a geometric progression. A year later, both the UK and US communities had adopted it (a first!), with 500 moggers at the bar..more than both the earlier forums combined. A decade later, it held 2000 people, with 8 moderators past and present.
Moggers came from everywhere to the Pub, with every Morgan dealer with abilities in English (and many without!) counted amongst them. Twenty-two from the Morgan Factory alone. It provided a place where anyone, with or without mechanical expertise, could participate fully on a level playing field. They only thing discouraged was disrespect for one's fellow moggers. eMog was proud to be the only forum that encouraged and promoted new Morgan forums.
For every technical problem, eMog had an open door. The Factory adopted more eMog conclusions (rustless kingpins, steering races, abandonning the one-shot system, the damper blades....etc) in fact changed more items in the Morgan 100 year front end during the eMog decade than they had in the 90 years before. For much of eMog's era, the relationship between the Pub and the Works was very close and quietly inactive.
Despite eventual competition from other Morgan English language forums, its traffic remained the highest and its numbers kept growing. The total messages posted (245,847) dwarfs the figures of all other Morgan forums, past and present, combined! 70,312,224 emails sent. The unusual eMog Grille Badge became an overnight phenomena, selling out more badges in a 48 hour period (600) than any other Morgan badge in history! An instant collector's item and found on Morgans in 36 countries.
But beyond the technical fixes and the numbers, the eMog Pub gave a chance to every mogger worldwide to meet others, even their favorite Morgan heros. It perserved and adored the attitudes and atmosphere of the Morgan Golden Age pre-2000, the extension of the character of Peter Morgan (1919-2003).
eMog was closed at its peak, at its very highest membership
and traffic. It lives in the hundreds of friendships that thrive on.
Good memories and mates